[Vwdiesel] Cold Start 1... Hot Start 0

peter blake pila47 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 9 06:49:26 PDT 2014

  I use a small electric fuel pump to feed the bosch pump.It doesn't put out much pressure; less than
7 pounds, but it prevents your situation from even developing.  Perhaps the vanes in your pump are
worn or for some reason don't pump enough fuel when they are hot. I'm interested in what you 
finally figure out. Keep the list posted.
On Wed, 7/9/14, Mark Shepherd <mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Cold Start 1... Hot Start 0
 To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
 Date: Wednesday, July 9, 2014, 5:54 AM
 Thanks for all the replies. 
 I have driven it without the solenoid plunger, and it's not
 failed with it out, yet, but, having said that, after that 2
 mile run, in a rush last week [perhaps making 
 the pump hotter than normal], I took the solenoid plunger
 out after restart failure, but it made no difference when
 hot, and the AA man came about half an 
 hour later, and it was still out, with the pump luke warm,
 and his initial tentative use of Ether, and then generous
 direct squirts beyond the filter, failed to get 
 the engine to go beyond a stutter. 
 Stalling the engine with the clutch is not much fun,
 especially as it has a clutch that has been slipping
 recently. It needs replacing, but I've forgot which size 
 is already in it!
 Today I did an 8 mile trip, broken up in the middle with an
 hour and a half stop. No issues. Returned home, stopped the
 engine counted to 10, and tried a 
 restart. No problem. The trip was quite leisurely paced. 
 I think that the issue occurs when engine is slightly
 pushed, and then it seems to remain, until cool. I suppose
 most journeys such as going to work, visiting 
 friends, or a lengthy shopping spree etc and this fault will
 not show itself. Forcing the glowplugs on with a jump did
 not cure it. 
 Thus I'm now down to the apparent low volume of fuel in the
 fuel lines at hot start-up. 
 The solenoid has now been discounted, and that leaves fuel
 supply at startup. Fine when cold but, not when hot, maybe
 when warm. 
 I cannot see the vane pump being an issue as it is fed
 diesel from the tank, with no recycling at the fuel filter.
 It really must be linked to the special lever mentioned in
 books, that holds the spill-off sleeve over and beyond
 maximum fueling, for driving.
 Compression likely not great, but certainly better than it
 has been for many of the 7 years or so of driving this
 Constructive comments welcome, even rude ones might be worth
 a look Lol
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