[Vwdiesel] Food color in coolant?

Ralph Meyermann ralphmeyermann at gmail.com
Thu Mar 6 06:32:55 PST 2014

Interesting, good Idea!

Velma 82 1.9L AAZ td westy
On Mar 6, 2014 7:06 AM, "Dave Cook" <davevw at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Sounds crazy, right?
> As you know, I've started driving my '78, TDI powered bus again after
> having installed the second motor.  At this stage in the game, I'm
> considering everything testing until I'm sure all systems are set up and
> working properly, etc.
> I'm waiting for the cluster to arrive from Brazil which will allow me to
> have the warning light for low coolant condition.  But I'm a little
> paranoid, so I'm checking the level anytime before driving for now.
> Trouble is, the bottle is a little cloudy so sometimes, depending on the
> lighting, etc, it is a little hard to see the exact level.
> So I was thinking of adding a little food color to the coolant to make it
> darker/more visible.  Once I'm satisfied that things are working properly,
> the system will be drained and flushed and filled with proper coolant.
> I can't think of any reason this would hurt anything, but I'd like to see
> other's thoughts.  Perhaps I'm just being paranoid about missing it if I
> lost coolant again due to what happened before.
> Dave Cook
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