[Vwdiesel] TDI clutch

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Mon Mar 10 20:56:12 PDT 2014

The last couple of weeks, the clutch in my '00 Jetta has been getting really grabby.  It's not every time, but there's no such thing as slipping the clutch in first or reverse anymore.  I look like a kid learning to drive a manual.  Gears 2-5 are fine, but then the engine and tranny are roughly matched.  Before I spend a bunch of money and time replacing the whole clutch/pressure plate/flywheel assembly, anyone have any ideas of anything else it could be?  I should also say that I'm coming up on 350,000 miles so I'm probably on borrowed time there anyways.  I just really don't want to have to do this job.  

If I do have to do it, I understand that it's best to do the flywheel too?  Dieselgeek.com has the whole works for something like $350.  

At least the clutches last pretty well.  Because of that, I've never had to replace one before.  This'll be a first-time learning experience.  Hopefully, it's not too bad of a weekend job.  Local shop would do the work for $450 labor, but that's $450 and I have a tragic history of shops messing my car up.  I like these guys, I buy parts from them, and I don't want something bad to happen if they work on it and ruin that relationship.  

One thing I did do was have a friend engage the clutch in first with the hand brake on so I could watch the engine.  It rocked about an inch in its mounts as measured at the valve cover.  That doesn't seem ideal, but it didn't look floppy loose.  I'd had a passing thought that if it was really loose, that might cause it to jump rather than engage smoothly.  Maybe not so much.  

Any rate, I appreciate any thoughts on the matter.  


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