[Vwdiesel] slow glow plug relay, no glow light when engine is warm

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Fri Sep 5 12:22:29 PDT 2014

Some ideas below:

Could be an intermittent connection in the socket or perhaps the connection to the 
temperature sender on the head.

On 9/5/2014 12:21 PM, Marciano Pitargue wrote:
> It never rains in San Jose, CA.  But last winter, it did a bit, and my fuse
> box got wet due to a poor seal of the windshield.  (Fixed that I hope.)
> So, I ended up changing out the (original ?) crusty metal bodied (slow)
> glow plug relay in my 1980 caddy with a plastic bodied glow plug relay
> replacement.  Supposedly, this glow plug relay is for the slow glow plug
> relay circuit that were on the 1980 vw diesel vehicles.
> Now, when the engine is cold, like first thing in the morning, I get the
> nice warm glow of the glow plug light.  However, when the engine is up to
> temp, no glow plug light, hence hard starting if the truck sat for about 30
> minutes.  Before the fuse box wet event, it always used to light up no
> matter the temperature of the engine.  And it seems the glow plug light
> accurately tracks the power to the glow plugs.
> Checked the grounds for the relays for corrosion.  They seem clean.  One
> thing I noticed is that when the glow plug light doesn't light, if I unplug
> and plug in the (new) relay, sometimes the glow plug light lights.  I
> suspect that that the glow plug relay isn't correct for my slow glow plug
> relay circuit.  Or maybe I missed some ground points (I found 2 circular
> fobs where a bunch of brown wires connect to.)
> Any advice from the group to address this issue?
> Thanks in advance.
> Marciano, driver of "slo-mo smokey"
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