[Vwdiesel] Testing leds on instrument pad

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Wed Sep 10 08:06:30 PDT 2014

This is what I did to help trace through. Alas I never finished it , and didn't do the other 5 circuits, and then alas MS PhotoDraw was killed off by MS when they 
introduced XP onwards...


Message Received: Sep 10 2014, 01:54 AM
From: "Milt Kaplan" 
To: "vwdiesel at vwfans.com" 
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Testing leds on instrument pad

I have an 81 rabbit pickup. The instrument pad has resistors connected to its leds. To test: Can apply 12 volts (or even 9v from a small battery to the appropriate 
printed circuit points on the connector? Trace the led in question back to the connector foil. Leds last long time unusual for them to go bad. Bad resistor could 
damage the led as well. It seems that most of the leds on my pad connect thru a ground line/switch to trigger them.
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