[Vwdiesel] Head gasket choice?

Ralph Meyermann ralphmeyermann at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 16:10:19 PDT 2015

And the new hybrid ko3 wasn't cheap either.
On Apr 16, 2015 6:08 PM, "Ralph Meyermann" <ralphmeyermann at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have new 1mm oversized kolbenschmidt pistons bottom end is fully
> assembled, I  measured with a digital caliper on #1 cylinder parallel with
> wristpins to  eliminate piston rock. Kind of lacking some precision tools
> due to cost of parts including new nearly complete kolbenschmidt head.
> On Apr 16, 2015 5:59 PM, "Andrew .Libby" <libbybapa at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Have you accurately measured the piston protrusion at TDC for all 4
>> pistons?  In order to do so you must clean all carbon or foreign matter off
>> piston crown and engine deck. You then take the largest protrusion reading
>> and use the appropriate head gasket that matches that protrusion.  If you
>> are accurately measuring 0.5mm as the highest piston I would be a little
>> concerned as that is less protrusion than fits even the skinniest 1-notch
>> gasket which calls for 0.66-0.86mm (2 notch = 0.87-0.90 and 3 notch =
>> 0.91-1.02).  The given spec readings make me wonder what you are supposed
>> to use if the protrusion is o.865mm or 0.905mm.  :-)
>> I have found that the wristpin is moved toward the crown typically 0.010"
>> per oversize in order to accommodate machining the engine block head gasket
>> surface.  Did you fit new pistons without having the headgasket surface
>> skimmed?
>> If your tallest piston protrusion is 0.5mm is there any chance the rods
>> are bent?
>> The 1-notch gasket seems to be particularly hard to come by.  It is part
>> # 028103383BH (2-notch is suffic BJ and 3-notch is BK).  Looks like you
>> have the correct part although I'd probably disassemble the bottom end and
>> have a little skimmed off the block.  For future reference or anyone else
>> who is reading, if I am replacing the pistons, I measure the protrusion of
>> the old pistons, measure the wrist pin to crown height on both old and new
>> pistons and then do the math so that I can tell the machinist exactly how
>> much to skim off the head gasket surface without multiple trips to the
>> machine shop or multiple times assembling/disassembling the bottom end.  I
>> have done so on several engines and the piston protrusion has been exactly
>> where I wanted it each time.
>> On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 3:28 PM, Ralph Meyermann <
>> ralphmeyermann at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Volks! Currently assembling my AAZ and my pistons seem so come .5mm
>>> out
>>> of the hole. I bought a factory head gasket from my local vw dealership.
>>> It
>>> is a 028 103 383 BH DE. Is this thick enough? All I have is my 82 diesel
>>> westy Bentley and all my $$$ and then some has been spent on parts. Your
>>> help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
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