[Vwdiesel] axle flange needed or just info

raymond rgreeley2 at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 11 12:30:38 PST 2015

hello all, i have owned a 90 passat wagon for three years now. It came to me with a mk1 1.6 na motor and trans. the thought is/was to swap in the td motor from a rust compromised jetta (91) i owned.  while other parts of my life took priority the swap idea was shelved though over the years of driving the passat i realized that i need to source a different axle for this car. the mk1 axle is about 3/4" short on the both sides which requires the cv joint to extend that distance to mount up to the axle flange on the transmission to install.it will run like this for several thousand miles before failing.the cure as i see it is to use the axle from the  93-99 jetta/golf,or 95-2002 cabrio or 90-95 passat all of which have a 100mm inside cv base, my mk1 tranny is the 90mmso, i need the 100mm flange for the mk1 tranny. does anyone here have this flange or know whether the above mentioned years transmission share the same spline as the mk1i could likely find this flange in the local recycler. i made the tool to remove the flange though it is winter in chicago and i have just snapped the axle for the third time. i thought the current (new-auto zone) axle would get me through to summer as previous axles (used) lasted easily beyond that time.
i appreciate any thoughts, ray 		 	   		  

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