[Vwdiesel] Pump problem update

sandy cameron scameron at storm.ca
Sat Jan 24 16:46:23 PST 2015

  Had it running on life support today, IV drip, ( more like dialysis) 
and have come to conclusion a bit of crap has blocked open the pressure 
control valve, permitting the fuel to go around in a circle instead of 
pressurizing the pump body

Indicators are:

-No timing advance on open "throttle", (bogs).

-No pump body pressure to cause flow in return line after proving it is 
not blocked.

-The vane pump will lift fuel from the tank (slowly)

-Engine will run forever at lower  speeds.

I have a silly tune going around in my head, "Push the little valve 
down,  the fuel goes round and round,  ohhohhohh,  but doesn't come out 

Will get back at it next week. Set up white room conditions in engine 
room, drape the patient, and swap out the valve from another working pump.

Stay tuned.


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