[Vwdiesel] diesel prices

Brian & Ruth Decker decker at toledotel.com
Wed Jul 1 15:48:02 PDT 2015

Folks if you have farm diesels or a place to run your diesel car or pickup off road so you aren’t avoiding road tax and other government restrictions here is your solution to high diesel prices. Used motor oil centrifuged to clean it to one micron. Do a dual tank setup like a vegie conversion. A second tank ( doesn't need to be heated) a pump to pump  your oil to a plate heater that is heated by engine coolant. A coolant heated fuel filter and a set of valves that let you switch between diesel and oil. You start and stop your diesel engine on diesel. When you start up you run the diesel till the engine warms up ( 2or 3 miles) and then switch to the used motor oil tank. Your engine won't know the difference. I have converted a 1.6 VW turbo diesel and a 1991 Ford F 250  that has a farriers box on the back and a 150 gallon oil tank inside. In my barn I have a 60 gallon translucent cone tank on a stand and then gravity the used motor oil through a 6 gallon motor home water heater, into the centrifuge and back into a 55 gallon drum. The centrifuge is from simplecentrafuge.com. The oil is free so it doesn't take too long to recover the approximately 2500 dollars you will have in the project. I would only try this on an IDI diesel engine.

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