[Vwdiesel] Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 151, Issue 2

Doug Ferguson hwy9fergs at comcast.net
Tue Aug 2 17:23:15 PDT 2016

I would say most likely the compromised cooling system was at fault mostly because when the going got tough it couldn't take the heat 
Doug Ferguson (out of lurk mode) 
----- Original Message -----

From: vwdiesel-request at vwfans.com 
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2016 12:00:02 PM 
Subject: Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 151, Issue 2 

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Today's Topics: 

1. Re: What happened to our group, it is to hot and sticky to 
type, YES (Ralph Meyermann) 


Message: 1 
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2016 12:29:17 -0500 
From: Ralph Meyermann <ralphmeyermann at gmail.com> 
To: Bryan Belman <dieselwesty at yahoo.com> 
Cc: VW Diesel Group <vwdiesel at vwfans.com> 
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] What happened to our group, it is to hot and 
sticky to type, YES 
<CAAj276zda6k-qCwf47aRtQOniufKTOTyfjRZUhC+4qj0i=c6Mg at mail.gmail.com> 
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The sad thing, more fuel/power = more heat. 

On Aug 1, 2016 8:11 AM, "Bryan Belman" <dieselwesty at yahoo.com> wrote: 

> Hoping for some comforting words, wondering if I caused my head gasket to 
> blow or not. 
> on my 1.9NA.I have been running this motor for almost 10 years 
> now.guessing 60-70K in total miles, I don't get to use it near as much as I 
> would like, work and life get in the way but my boy is off to college in 
> the fall, so that frees up some of my time. 
> Anyway. I have been messing with the fuel screw on and off over the past 
> few trips.I had been getting excessive black smoke under fuel load trying 
> to keep my speed up while going up big hills on highways, but only then, 
> and to be expected, but this was a BIG amount of smoke.Not black, not white 
> smoke, I would say gray in color.I had backed off on the fuel screw, 
> counter clockwise and this only decreased power on hills it seemed, but was 
> thinking too much fuel was my smoke issue under load. 
> I have never seen oil in the coolant and I have never blown a hose off 
> from too much pressure in the system. 
> Then I turned it back in 1/8 and after talking to a pump rebuilder he said 
> try going in another 1/8.I was not hard up against the governing collar. 
> So, I left on Tuesday for NC, and the van was running great. Power was 
> back, it was like I was driving a TD.Hot day for sure, but all my temps 
> were great, water and oil temp gauges. After 2 hours of driving I came to 
> the first big hill I would say on the PA Turnpike and I kept the peddle 
> down to keep my speed and I was watching my smoke output. It was blacker 
> then what I had seen before and not excessive any longer, power was still 
> there. 
> Then, toward the top of the hill I look back to my temp gauge and see it 
> approaching red line, light blinking, I never even got to look at oil 
> temp.I should have shut it down right away but I kept it running to crest 
> the hill and coast down the other side to find a wider shoulder spot to 
> pull off as the shoulder was thin and many trucks.So, I left it running a 
> bit long and then my oil light came on, I shut it down right away. 
> Tow back to my Dad's house that happened to be 25 miles away.Next day I 
> see the large coolant hose fix (using marine exhaust coolant hose) I had 
> done years ago to replace rusted main steel coolant lines had blown off and 
> I lost all of my coolant FAST. 
> The head got so hot it melted my poly-etholyn return hose snub off the 
> pump to the stock black fuel line returning to tank.So, I had coolant and 
> diesel all over.I replaced the line, fixed the coolant pipe but saw that 
> over the years the hose had shrunk and I did not have enough metal pipe in 
> the replacement coolant hose. 
> So, Can turning the fuel screw up and running it hard blow a head 
> gasket?ORDid I just have bad luck and my large coolant hose fix finally 
> popped off and the excessive head on the head blew the head gasket? 
> The motor runs fine but I have pressure in my coolant tank in 1 minute of 
> running and when it get up to temp after a mile or 2, it blows the coolant 
> line again at the weakest point? 
> Time to FINALLY install my 1.9TD that has been waiting for 3 years now. 
> Bryan Belman, Pt. Pleasant, NJ 04 Jetta Wagon TDI PD BEW, 100hp, 5sp -- 
> running :<)04 Golf TDI PD BEW, 100hp, 5sp Tiptronic Auto -- running :<)82 
> Diesel Westy 1.9NA 1Y -- NOT running :<(70 Type 1 Beetle -- Running :-) 
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End of Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 151, Issue 2 

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