[Vwdiesel] No 500,000 after all

Vincent McBeigh vrmcbeigh at gmail.com
Sun Dec 18 08:22:56 PST 2016

Oh jeebus! I'm glad you're okay! I got rear ended super hard everlasting years ago and it still makes me flinch if it doesn't look like someone is slowing down behind me. 

As much as we enthusiasts bond with our cars and, to us, they're more than just conveyances, they are indeed just objects and can be replaced. The driver, not so much. 

Like the others have said, if you feel in the least bit funny, please go get checked at the ED or your PCP. Some issues that might have been present after the accident could have been masked by adrenaline. 

Take care and happy holidays,

Vinney M in Texas

Hilarious and unintentional typos alike sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 18, 2016, at 7:42 AM, pmdolan at sasktel.net wrote:
> Shalyn:
> That sucks the big one, but please do head the advice below.   ANYTHING not feeling right, head for medical help without delay.  
> The car can be replaced, the driver not so.  
> Best of luck - Pat
> On Sun, 18 Dec 2016 02:38:27 -0600, James Hansen  wrote:
>      Aw crap, sorry to hear Shalyn. That really really sucks. Any tinglies in the arms, fingers, new headaches over and above normal, blurred or double vision, flashes of light or floating spots, get to the vet. I don't know enough about how your insurance works to comment on that, but write your story out while it's fresh, add to it as you remember anything, but make hard copy. 
> I saved the B4 that Sheila was rear ended in a few years back, I should have let it go. It's just sitting waiting for me to come up with a project, like I need another.... 
> Narrowly missed a similar thing this summer, sitting on the highway just a short piece out of town where the new Case dealership sprung up, no turning lanes or anything built by highways yet, but I'm turning left, standing in the driving lane like a sitting duck feeling uncomfortable, waiting for the oncoming traffic to clear. Sure enough, I watch a honda civic tuner kid car (lowered and depracticalized) coming up way too fast in the mirror, not slowing, not slowing, I see top of his head in the mirror and tromp it. Jackass was texting of course, glad the B5.5 is good off the line (thanks for the tuning box Hayden) and I outran the little shit. The stock car driver in me almost spun him into the ditch just because, but he had really big eyes, hope he learned something. 
> Stay up for a bit and monitor yourself for a while, just because. Take care buddy. -james
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vwdiesel [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com] On Behalf Of Shalyn Shourds
> Sent: December-18-16 1:14 AM
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] No 500,000 after all
> I was working on my next 100,000 miles this evening, sitting at a red light on the highway service road and I saw the headlights coming up behind me way too fast. 
> The long and short of it is the Jetta is totalled. Presumably a drunk
> driver. This is maybe 90 minutes ago, but I am pretty sure I'm OK. I'm
> hoping the nausea is just the enormous dinner I'd just eaten having been jostled violently. 
> Pretty sure they caught the other driver (took off). Any tips for dealing with the insurance? Been on hold with them almost an hour. Not a good sign. 
> Despite the high mileage, the drive train is in excellent shape. Worth saving over the salvage value? I don't really have the time or space for a massive salvage operation. I don't know how this will play out, but if someone wanted those parts, I'd entertain an offer--once I know what's going on. 
> Right now, I'm just incredibly sad. I love that car. Y'all know how it
> is: you spend that much time working on, fighting with, and seeing the world from a car, you get attached. 
> -Shalyn
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