[Vwdiesel] NA injection pump runs rough when

Erik Lane eriklane at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 07:47:33 PST 2016

I would add that it is very easy to mess up the timing by having the cold
start knob pulled out while setting it. I've done that an embarrassing
amount of times. I think because it's easier to hook up the cable when the
knob is pulled out and then I forget and leave it there while setting the

But if that's the case then you never get the real cold start advance
you're supposed to.

I know Loren mentioned this, but I just wanted to expand on it a bit, since
at last for me, it's very common... :-)
On Feb 16, 2016 10:57 PM, <lbaird119 at aol.com> wrote:

> Could be several things:
>   Idle could be a little low (adjust the screw)
>   Air in the lines (find the leaks and tighten clamps, replace hoses, etc)
>   Timing is set incorrectly (check, via the vw part number on the pump,
> what the correct timing is and check that it is set correctly.)
>   Might be more but those are the common ones I can think of right off.
>      Loren
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ken1 <ktzkarz at embarqmail.com>
> To: 'diesel' <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Sent: Tue, Feb 16, 2016 6:14 pm
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] NA injection pump runs rough when
> I have a request from a neighbor who has a 1981 1.6L NA diesel caddy. He
> has a pump that was rebuilt for him about 40k to 50k miles ago. He said his
> pump has always started, but the idle was rough and low and , he has to
> give it more pedal to keep it running until it warms up; then the pump and
> engine runs and responds fine. After the initial cold start, the  engine
> starts, idles and responds fine. I told him I know nothing about pumps; but
> perhaps the cold start was not adjusted correctly. What else could cause
> the cold start problem? Thanks.   -- 1982 caddy 1.6L NA running1967
> convertible bug running1980 caddy project 1991 2 door Jetta TD restoration
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