[Vwdiesel] Arrggggh

lbaird119 at aol.com lbaird119 at aol.com
Thu Jan 14 22:29:15 PST 2016

  I didn't really notice which code it was.  :-P  Didn't think about it being the fuel temp sensor!  That'd explain the smoking I noticed today when I moved the car.  I had the coolant temp sensor unplugged to get glow and start it.  Began thinking the timing had jumped but it runs about right when warm.  I'll have to VAG it and see if the fuel temp is out of whack.  Did Dad's a couple years ago and had to hammer mod mine all the way one way, after putting in the new injectors.  Still not quite to where they recommend as I recall.  All the way to where they want and it droe well but my mpg tanked from 45 to about 38 as I recall.  So I put up with a bit of surging to get 43mpg.  A LOT of surging if I want my 45 mpg back!
  Thanks!  (of course it[s not throwing any codes right now, even with the coolant sensor unplugged).

-----Original Message-----
From: Hayden Chasteen <dieseltdi at verizon.net>
To: lbaird119 <lbaird119 at aol.com>
Cc: VW diesel mail list <vwdiesel at www.audifans.com>
Sent: Thu, Jan 14, 2016 2:29 pm
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Arrggggh

Loren, what exact code did you get when it through the light.  I can tell you that sometime the temperature code refers to the temperature sensor INSIDE the pump.  This thing goes bad and causes starting and running problems.  Easy enough to fix, you just need the part and the special tool for the injection pump cover bolt.  I carefully market two sides of the pump cover before I removed mine to minimize having to do to many “hammer mods” to the cover.  You can find this information on TDIclub website.  Hayden
> On Jan 12, 2016, at 7:57 PM, lbaird119 at aol.com wrote:
> Geez!  Took me a week to do the starter on the crawler, what with holiday, parts, no-show on parts...
>  Now I'm trying to get the Passat going again.  It had been starting hard (figured it was low battery from short-tripping) then it wouldn't start so ok, bad 103/GP relay.  Sure enough it wasn't working.  Also the day before, it was going along, sputtered badly, CEL came on, slowly started clearing up and in a minute or two was running fine again.  Hmmm.
>  After diagnosis, the relay was fine but not getting a ground.  OK, unplug the temp sensor and all is well.  Order a new temp sensor, put it in and it does the same thing!  Only fault was open or shorted to + for the temp sensor, same as it shows with it unplugged.  So now I'm not sure where to look.  I thought the supply of ground was bad but if it's broken then it'd be the same as unplugging, which gives me full glow time, as it should.  I suppose if somehow it's shorted to positive...
>  I'm not sure which wire or where to start looking.  :-P  Apparently the one from the sensor to the ECU is ok so that much is good and the ECU should be since it at least goes full glow or no glow and recognizes a problem.
>  Any ideas or at least wiring diagrams of where to look?
>  TIA.
>    Loren
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