[Vwdiesel] Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 152, Issue 2

lbaird119 at aol.com lbaird119 at aol.com
Sat Sep 3 22:25:17 PDT 2016

  I had a few stuck wheels one day while shuffling cars around.  Luckily there were appropriate sized holes in the rims.  I grabbed a 5' long bar, stuck the end in the wheel and against the drum and pried the wheel around until it let go.  Seems like I had 3 stuck that day and we finally gave up and dragged one of them.  Beetles as I recall.
  Yes, like Roger said, to do it right, loosen the adjuster, tap and tap until it comes loos and also check the e-cables.  However they aren't going to move if the shoes are stuck.  Reason I told my family, never leave a car parked with the e-brake on, for an extended period of time, unless you have no choice.
My truck has been sitting for an extended time and the rear brakes have become secured to the drums so well that I can't break them loose by rocking the truck or trying to break it loose by slowly letting out the clutch and revving the engine. What is a sure way to break the rear wheels free w/o breaking or damaging anything? Sent from my iPad 

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