[Vwdiesel] Been a while

Hayden Chasteen dieseltdi at verizon.net
Thu Dec 13 16:56:57 PST 2018

Good to know that a few of us are still around.  I was wondering if anyone remembers the procedure for putting in ARP bolts WITHOUT taking the head off.  I have a new engine and I just want to take out the stretch bolts and replace them one at a time.  Hayden

> On Dec 13, 2018, at 7:38 AM, slatersfb at aol.com wrote:
> Still here, but no longer of the diesel persuasion. 
> Garbage truck took out my '91 Jetta. 
> '81 pick-up rusted to the point of no return. 
> Wife has '16 TSI Jetta now. 
> Merry Christmas.
> Bob in The Entire State

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