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Re: Higher idle (And other stuff...)

David Tahajian - Sun BOS Software, you say:
|>ramesh@guru.b17a.ingr.com (V. Ramesh Sharma) writes:


|>    I have had this baby for about two months, [...]
|>    Handling is quite good. I wish I could say it is great, but - damn!- 
|>    I wish I hadn't test driven that Corrado SLC :-) 
|>I haven't tried the SLC yet, but I hear it's a faster, due to less weight
|>(and that extra cylinder helps too! ). How would you compare it to the Coupe? 
Yep, you are right about the weight and the extra cylinder etc., and I
guess that contributes to the overall feel etc. But even with the G-60
Corrado the car felt tighter and had a slightly better power-band, so
to speak.. Also, the body roll in the quattro is a bit excessive for a
sports coupe, but I am not complaining! In other words, while sitting in the
Corrado, you won't forget you are in a sports coupe, but the Coupe Quattro
you would be inclined to think you are in a luxury coupe (larger,
heavier etc.). I can't quite put it in a more technical sense -
perhaps Eliot would be able to do more justice! 

Again, overall, I am very happy with my Coupe Quattro!

|>BTW, even if the SLC was a bit "better", I wouldn't trade my quattro for 
|>any FWD in the rain & snow :-) Now if they made an SLC quattro...
|>that's another story!



|>(You know that there's only *one* rear fog light on the driver's side, correct?)
|>If it's a bad bulb or electrical problem, it's free. Otherwise (like you 
|>backed into something), it's not covered.

Eeeep! I am blushing now! Is that a fact? I can't quite imagine why
they would install only one rear foglight! Although your point checks
out. When I bought the car I didn't check for the fog lights, and
later when only the driver side rear foglight came on, I assumed the
right side has conked out! I am "fogged"!


|>Good luck with your new toy, and happy driving.


|>		- dave t.

Thanx for the all advice and input.

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