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Re: 4000Q vs 5000Q preformance

From: "Karl Nordstrom" <KXN2@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
>How does the performance of the 4000 Quattro compare to the 5000 turbo
>Quattro?  Does the turbo make up for the extra weight, I assume, that
>the 5000 has?  I know that the Quattro coupe had about 160 hp in '87-'88.
>What did the 5000 turbo have its last years?

Here's my best shot at answering the above question and then some :-).
This is all done from memory so there may be errors.



Horsepower ratings of the Audi C-class sedan series from 1980-1993
(U.S. models).  Diesel models are not listed.

Year	5000	5000T	5000TQ	100	100Q	200	200Q	V8	S4
80	100hp	130hp	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
81	100hp	130hp	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
82	100hp	130hp	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
83	100hp	130hp	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
84	100hp	140hp	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
85	100hp	140hp	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
86	110hp	158hp	158hp	-	-	-	-	-	-
87	110hp	162hp	162hp	-	110hp	-	-	-	-
88	130hp	162hp	162hp	-	130hp	-	-	-	-
89	-	-	-	130hp	-	162hp	162hp	240hp	-
90	-	-	-	130hp	-	162hp	217hp	240hp	-
91	-	-	-	130hp	-	162hp	217hp	240hp	-
92	-	-	-	172hp	172hp	-	-	280hp	227hp
93	-	-	-	172hp	172hp	-	-	280hp	227hp

Body style:
78-83	C2 (square)
84-91	C3 (aerodynamic)
92-	C4 (new), except V8 is still C3

Engine displacements:
100hp	2.1L L5
110hp	2.2L L5
130hp	2.3L L5
140hp	2.1L L5 turbo
158hp	2.2L L5 turbo
162hp	2.2L L5 turbo
172hp	2.8L V6
217hp	2.2L 20V turbo
227hp	2.2L 20V turbo
240hp	3.6L 32V V8
280hp	4.2L 32V V8

Horsepower ratings of the Audi B-class sedan series from 1980-1993
(U.S. models).  Diesel models are not listed.

Year	4000	4000Q	80	80Q	90	90Q	coupe	coupeQ
80*	78hp	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
81*	74hp	-	-	-	-	-	100hp	-
82	74hp	-	-	-	-	-	100hp	160hp
83	74hp	-	-	-	-	-	100hp	160hp
84	88hp	115hp	-	-	-	-	100hp	160hp
85	102hp	115hp	-	-	-	-	100hp	160hp
86	102hp	115hp	-	-	-	-	110hp	-
87	102hp	115hp	-	-	-	-	130hp	-
88	-	-	108hp	130hp	130hp	130hp	-	-
89	-	-	108hp	130hp	130hp	130hp	-	-
90	-	-	108hp	130hp	130hp	164hp	-	164hp
91	-	-	108hp	130hp	130hp	164hp	-	164hp
92	-	-	130hp	-	-	-	-	-
93	-	-	-	-	172hp	172hp	-	-

* A 4000 5+5 model was available with 2.1L L5 engine during model year.

Body style:
80-87	B2 (square)
88-92	B3 (aerodynamic)
93-	B4 (new)

Engine displacements:
78hp	1.6L L4
74hp	1.7L L4
88hp	1.8L L4
102hp	1.8L L4
108hp	2.0L L4
100hp	2.1L L5
110hp	2.2L L5
115hp	2.2L L5
130hp	2.3L L5
160hp	2.1L L5 turbo
164hp	2.2L L5 20V
172hp	2.8L V6


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