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re: Small leaks and small tremor


I had this on my 82 4000S a few years after I bought it. It's probably the
speedo cable. It finally went completely (speedo and odo not working). A few
years later, I had it replaced and everything's fine now (except the odometer
sometimes doesn't work in hot weather).

Michael Moy

From:	CSSEDB::DECWRL::"alexei@wri.com" "04-Dec-1992 1029"  4-DEC-1992 10:27:51.49
To:	quattro@aries.East.Sun.COM
Subj:	Small leaks  and  small  tremor

Hi folks,

what I read from the recent discussion about the steering
rack and transmission replacement sounds quite intimidating.
What is the difererence between an Audi and a time-bomb then ? :-)

Ok, I have another problem on my 87 Audi 4000S (auto).
The hand of the speedometer trembles a little about half of the
time I drive ( sometimes it does, something it doesn't, happens
more often with cold engine or cold weather) and something, well...
not exactly a clatter but rather some unusual frequency is heard
from the engine keeping time with the tremor of the hand.

What could it possibly indicate ?

My repair guys say "nothing is wrong with the engine, it is the
speedometer mess-up: go to a dealership" but I don't believe them.

Any ideas ?


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