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RE: Brakes for Audi

On the subject of replacing the brake pads, what pads do you recommend,
where can we get them, and what is the approximate cost?

By the way, I tried to order a new pressure accumulator for the brake
system from PAP, and they kept saying it was not in stock, but call
back in a week.  Now they say that they will not get their next shipment
in until 20 August.  So I called Audi Sokan, and they not only have it,
but it is cheaper to boot!  But they do not sell fuel filters (no tune-
up type things).

Richard Thomsen			Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Los Alamos National Laboratory	At three o'clock he had his great fall.
rgt@lanl.gov			The King set the Time Machine back to two.
				Now Humpty's unscrambled and good as new.
In case you did not realize,
I speak only for myself.