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Re: Misc stuff...
Chris Ice wrote:
> 1) I've scanned in a picture of me putting my 90Q through its paces at a
> recent auto-x event. If you're interested it can be found at:
> tinman.mke.ab.com --> /pub/incoming
> or hopefully soon on:
> ftp.metrics.com --> /auto/audi
Done. It's there as audi90q.zip; I took the liberty of converting it to
Windows .bmp format -- those of you who need other formats can do the
appropriate conversions easily enough. It's my site, so I get to pick
the formats. :)
While I welcome any Audi, VW and Porsche bitmaps, ftp.metrics.com quite
intentionally has *NO* writable file area. If you have an image you'd
like to contribute, please send me email and we'll get it on there.
[ /tom haapanen -- tomh@metrics.com -- software metrics inc -- waterloo, ont ]
[ "everything that can be invented has been invented." ]
[ -- charles h. duell, u.s. patent commissioner, 1899 ]