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Re: RE71s - any experience?

>[stuff deleted]
>from Jim Healey:
>>Unfortunately I need a new set and Tire rack will sell these 
>>(in 205-60 vr15) for $78 a corner.  I use winter tires so I don't mind 
>>looking at high performance tread.  It's the wife's car and she's not 
>>pushing the limits, but I usually make up for that on the weekend.
>I think the price is for the HR rated tires. The VR's are $100+ each.
Nope  :-) .  When I ordered them I specified V rated and asked for their best
deal. They said they were overstocked on them and wanted 78 +6 for S+H
I couldn't pass it up.  You can talk to Sonny, ex 362.

>After reading Eric's post on the RE-71's, the HR's might soften up the
>ride. And they are directional to channel out water. I might be considering
>them. But the BFG Comp TA's are sooo goood.

I was considering them but the only deal I could get on them was for H rated
at $325 for 4 (same size, installed price, from WALMART can you believe)
anyway, I figured the RE71s could be exciting and make a difference.

jim h

>Ernest Wong