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Re: cheap tires?
Point about V rated Comp T/As noted for future reference....
>Snow tires? Snow tires! SNOW TIRES!!!! Whaddarthose? The VR4's are
>all-season M+S rated, and they get my friends 320HP RWD bimmer through
>the snow admirably. Why change twice a year?
Uhhhhhhh........stopping???!? I've had a coupla close calls with stopping
on mine (maybe I was going too fast for conditions, but that's another
subject). I think I'll try snows and see if that makes a difference (I
think it will). I can pick up a set from a friend fairly cheap, so
+---------------------| _ /| |---------------------+ Opinions expressed
| Chris Ice, CMfgT | \`o_O' | Allen-Bradley Co. | are mine and don't
| CMIce@mke.AB.com | ( ) | 1201 S. Second St. | reflect views of my
| (414) 382-2136 | U | Milwaukee, WI 53204 | employer. So there!
+---------------------| Ack! |---------------------+
Amiga 2000/030@33MHz -------- 1988 Audi 90 Quattro