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Since the archives seem to be available from other sources now (and since i
fell hopelessly behind in maintenance, not to mention I no longer own an
Audi) I'm going to remove the Quattro files from ftp.lap.umd.edu.  This
will happen soon (probably about a week from now) so if there's anything up
there that you find usefull, get it now. I'm sure that the admin at
lap.umd.edu will appreciate the disk space back :).   Hope they were of use
to someone...

(I'm staying on the list, BTW... It's still interesting (and I haven't
found a Pontiac GrandAM list yet...)


++  Travis Dixon                   The Institute for Genomic Research   ++

++  travisd@tigr.org               932 Clopper Road                     ++
++  (301) 869-9056 x 557           Gaithersburg, MD 20878               ++
++  (301) 869-9423 Fax             Assistant Sys Admin - Macintosh      ++