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[Dave Lawson: RE: Door handles]
Dave Lawson dlawson@bell.com wrote:
> What fun! I have attempted to replace the handle on my TQC. After some time
> I gave up and drove the car to the mechanic. In 5 minutes time the door
> handle was on, after I had just spent around 1 hour and still couldn't get
> it connected. He used what looked like an ice pick with the end bent 90
> degrees to place the lock rod into its location on the handle. This feat was
> performed with the door panel in place and the door handle tilted out from
> the door.
> One of these days I will probably learn how to do it, luckily I haven't had
> a door handle break in over a year. Hope this helps.
This trick would be really difficult with the "Armor Door Plates" or similar
pry-guards on the handles. The inside door panels come off easily enough once
your have the sequence down.
Just my own 1/50th of $1.00.
Chris Idleman <cidleman@pica.army.mil>