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Re: Oil Change Intervals

In message <9409081320.AA01999@tinman.mke.ab.com>  writes:
> Bill...
> I assume you change the oil filter every 3k/3mo?  I was told that you could
> get 10K on synthetic if you changed the filter and added oil every 3-3.5mo.
> So, would you say it would be good practice to dump all the oil on every
> other filter change if the interval is 3-3.5 mos?
Hi Chris,

To the stuff reposted, let me add that filter and oil should be changed 
together, if you truly value your toys.  Except on the racetrack, I don't 
think there's any measurable advantage to Synthetic over Dino detritus,
but then, what do I know...

---------------------------re-posted stuff-------------------------------

(Graham Dalton) asks:
> > I'm using Mobil 1 synthetic and its consumption habits are making this a 
> > costly problem. I'm begining to wonder whether its even worth changing the 
> oil at all since in 5000 miles I've completely replenished the contents of 
> the sump!.

  Carl DeSousa sagely replies:

> You can start by switching back to regular dinasour oil.  
> Synthetic oils burn faster because more of it gets by the rings
> especially during the first cold start.  
> The benefit of synthetic oils are better realized in turbo motors anyway.

  Bart Chambers chimes in with his "me too":

Most knowledgable folks I know agree that clean fresh oil is the most 
important thing for keeping your engine happy and healthy for a long time.  
changing oil frequently (say 3000 miiles) is far more important than (arguable) 
gains obtainable from using *any* synthetic.
