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Re: Whining about Service Cost (was Re: Audi Trip Computer...)
John Greenstreet wrote:
> > > Yeah ! I'm sorry, but $1K for a timing belt job+ water pump is
> > > way too high.
> That's exactly what the same job cost one of my friends for
> his 1984 Honda Accord!
> The 60K regular checkup with no repairs is over $1000 for the
> "most reliable" Lexus LS400, and is in the $700-$800 range
> on a Camry V6.
> So please, no whining about spending so much--at least with an
> older car you don't have new car payments!
Hmmm. Earlier this year I had the 60K service done on my 1991 Coupe.
This included tune-up, plugs, new Oxy Sensor, new fuel filter, new
air filter etc. Dealer (Pass & Weisz, Burlington MA) charge was
$520, reduced to $420 using some discount coupons they had mailed me.
Not so bad I guess.
Chris Palmer "Ashes to ashes,
Data General Corporation dust to dust,
Enterprise Solutions Engineering Division If Lillee don't get you,
chris_palmer@dg.com Thommo must!"