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RE: 90 Q 20V

On Thr, 22 Sep 1994, Andrew Duane Wrote:
> Subject: Re: 1990 Audi 90Q 20v - good?
> > Someone here at work has one of the above which I've been
> > lusting after for a while :).  I happened to ask him how
> > it was doing this morning and he's thinking of trading
> > it in on a 94 100Q lease.  Ahh!  I'm buying a house!!!
> >
> > Questions:
> >
> > - anyone have a price guide handy?  mine is at home
> >
> > - how many 20v quattros do we have on the list?  how is their
> >   reliability vs the 10v engines?
> Funny you should mention this....
> I just bought one of these (in Pearl White, no less!) about 2 months
> ago, to add as a second car to my '89 100Q. It has every option
> except the cold-weather package and the ski sack, and was in mint
> condition. We paid $15.9K with the Audi Warranty at 46K miles.
> "List" price for the car was about $16.5K from the book.
> BTW, the book does not list the 20V 90Q, so that figure is
> for the base 90Q.

I bought my 1990 90Q20V (Pearl) last December for $15K with 44k miles.
The previous owner started at about $18k and finally sold it to me 2 months


(comments comparing 90Q20V to 100Q deleted)
> I can't really comment on the 20V engine's reliability yet.
> We now have about 49K on it, and it seems fine. I'm told that
> the 20V engines will burn a little oil if you run it at high
> revs a lot; this is considered normal.

Haven't had any problems with the car and we've put on 16k miles
since we aquired it.  It does burn oil at about 1 quart per 5k miles
when run hard.

Overall it's been a very good and fun car.

Does anyone know if there's a performance chip available for the
90 Q 20V ?  Larger front/rear sway bars?

Bill Buetow                  | >>>Not a company Spokesperson<<<
Boeing Computer Services     |
buetow@bcstec.ca.boeing.com  | Boeing Employees Autosports Club