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Re: Dying cat...Ack?

> > My cat had the death rattle this past spring. Audi wants $1800 Cdn for a
> > new one while Linda at Carlsen quoted around $800 U.S.
> When I've bought my Audi 5000CS '86 about 2 years ago it had the same
> problem. Couple calls to the different muffler and exhaust shops resulted
> in replacing catalitic convertor for $250 including labor. Car have passed
> Maryland inspection which is pretty tough and there is no noise since 
> then.  They didn't put in genuine Audi cat. But replacement they used
> works just fine.   Shop doesn't specializes on audis, but specializes on
> exhaust systems. 
> I don't remember the shop name and address from the top of my head, but
> if you are interested I can look up my records and post this information.
> General idea is that it should be no big deal to find the same kind of shop 
> in you area. Then, with their installation you will have at least one year
> warranty. 
> Vladimir

I posted this before:

I replaced the cat on my 5000CST '86 AT in the spring of '94 with a unit from
Wagner bought at Olympic Distributing Comp. 1.800.347.4363 in Portland OR.
I payed $97.20 including all necessary hardware and a 5 years, 50000 mi
warranty. Don't know about their shipping charges though. Installation:
soaked the bolts twice w/ penetrating oil, two days in advance.
Labor ~ 1 hour.
So far everything worked fine for 17-18k miles. I'm not affliated with
Olympic Distributing Comp., just a satisfied customer.
- Hans

 Hans-Joachim Tannenberger               //  PHONE: (503) 578-3781
 Sequent Computer Systems, Inc.         //   FAX:   (503) 578-7569
                                       //    Mail-Stop RHE2-725
 UUNET:       uunet!sequent!hans      //     15450 SW Koll Parkway
 INTERNET:    hans@sequent.com       //      Beaverton, OR 97006-6063