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Re: Synthetics II

> > 
> > Something noone's really addressed is using synthetic oil in the 
> > transmission...
> > has anyone tried this?  Is it helpful?
> I think it must be, the factory is adamant that *nothing else* be used in 
> the tranny of my '87 Syncro, which is the Audi 4000 Quattro with VW Station
> wagon body & Badges.  My wife once took it to jiffy-lube for its regular 3k 
> mile oil change, where they convinced her that the tranny oil was dirty, so
> she let them re-fill it with regular Tranny dino-juice.  I had to special
> order the synthetic the factory specifies, and it was over $20/qt.

I currently have Redline MTL (Manual Transmission Lubricant) Synthetic in
the tranny of my '87 5000 TQ. It provides smoother shifts, especially in
cold weather. The Bentley manual for 84-88 5000 and my owners manual both
say that either regular fossil Hypoid gear oil or synthetic can be used
in the manual trans / center differential. I ordered this from Redline
directly for $7.25 a quart ((800) 624-7958). $20/quart seems *expensive*,
even from the dealer.

Redline also makes synthetic auto trans fluid. Although I've never used it,
I have read glowing reports from people who have. In these cases, the cars
had hard shifting problems (jerky or delayed shifts) that did not improve
by replacing with regular ATF, but using synthetic improved the shifts
dramatically. I have archived one or two of these posts and if someone is
interested I can post it to this list or email directly.


Zafer Mehmood				   AT&T Bell Laboratories
zm@mhcnet.att.com			   Murray Hill, NJ