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Re: '8x Coupe rear light clusters

My rear light wiring harness seems to be in good shape (knock on wood).
The latest problem involved the right rear brake light.  Apparently the 
copper (?) strip that connects to the bottom of the bulb was not making
good contact with the metal "plates" that carry the electricity throughout
the cluster.  I was getting some corrosion, plus that particular plate heated
up and melted the plastic that held it down, making a gap large enough to
stop the current flow.  I scraped off the plate and copper connector as best
I could, and bent the plate to make it contact decently, but it is a stop-gap
solution at best.  It is just a matter of time before it goes out again.

The 5th gear lockout switch switch I was referring to earlier shuts off the
upswitch indicator when you are in 5th gear.  Otherwise the light is
continuously on.  I don't need the light, but I know that when the light stops
working totally, I have a problem with my car (usually a vacuum leak or
something).  Running in 5th gear with the upshift ligth on is annoying,
however, as is explaining the reason for it to everyone that gets into my
car.  8-) (Yea, and the muffler rattle is because..., and that noise is due 
to..., and that doesn't work because I haven't gotten around to fixing...etc.)
