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RE: exhaust manifolds now UK VW/AUDI magazine

Hi Scott,
I have been receiving Volkswagen Audi Car magazine for a couple of years. 
It's kind of expensive to get it here in the states. I have paid between $70 
and $90 depending on the exchange rate for a 1 year subscription, but it has 
information which I haven't found elsewhere. They have some neat articles 
every now and then, and cover the new models pretty good. Currently they are 
covering the performance modifications of an S2 wagon and rebuilding a 4000 
quattro. The November issure will be full of TQC information. They also 
cover lots of VW stuff like buying and restoring Series 1 GTIs as an 
example. There is also a  bunch of classifieds in the back which are 
interesting to look through. The latest issue is around 80 pages.

The particulars are

AutoMetrix Publications
Market Chambers,
High Street,
Toddington, Bedfordshire   LU5 6BY
Tele # 0525 874019
FAX # 0525 875582

I usually call them up and give the charge card number.
Dave Lawson  dlawson@ball.com