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Re: Audi Price Cuts
On Oct 13, 3:51pm, John Greenstreet wrote:
[ ...]
> Americans don't know a lot about quality, and actually believed much
> of the propaganda spewed forth in the Harvard Business Review by Prahalad
> and Hamel about fantastic Japanese productivity and quality. Sure, short-
> term reliability of Japanese cars was superior to the competition for a
> short while, but this advantage has long since evaporated,
I'm sorry, John, but I totally disagree. I like my Audi,
quirks and all, but our reliable family car is a Honda
Accord. In my (admittedly limited) experience, modern
Japanese cars are (a) extremely reliable, (b) as durable
as they need to be for the market they serve, and (c)
are remarkably well-engineered.
We can argue about the nature and quality of the driving
experience (oh my God, Fahrvergnuegen :-)), and indeed I
enjoy driving my Audi, but for most people, the point
is moot.
IMHO, Japanese cars are an engineering triumph because they
satisfy a vast majority of the functional requirements at the
lowest possible cost. It's no great trick to design an excellent
big ticket car: the magic (and the money, as the Japanese know
very well) is in building inexpensive cars which are really good.
For all the noise about rising prices of Japanese cars, they're
still the most value for the money. I paid $12,500 for my Accord
two years ago, and it has had *zero* problems in the 36,000 miles
that I've driven it. I could probably sell it today for nearly
$10K, and should I decide to keep it, I know I could drive it beyond
100K without batting an eyelid.
Bottom line is, we buy our German iron because we like it (for
whatever reason: perverse in my case). You don't really need
any other rationale, but it's not surprising that the Germans
are taking a beating in the bread-and-butter car market. The
consumer is (contrary to what you believe) very perceptive in
the long run: and what they buy is a good indicator of what is
actually good quality.
I guess I should now don the Nomex :-)
My car history:
'80 Fiesta, '85 Volvo 745 TDA, '92 Honda Accord, '93 Nissan Sentra,
'85 5000ST.
(Hmm -- can you say car dilettante?)