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Re: Starter noise - imminent death?

> I've got an 86 4000q with 219k miles, and the starter makes a really raunchy
> noise upon startup (when else?). My mechanic says to just use it until it
> dies, but 
[stuff deleted]
> It is a sort of scratching noise that happens usually after you let go of the
> key, although it does it if you hold the key for a long time in the on
> position. 
> I tried spraying huge quantities of WD-40 in the long narrow screw holes and
> then starting it - no good. Could it be that little solonoid gadget on the
> side that shoots it onto the flywheel? Could it be grinding the flywheel
> teeth?

I wouldn't ignore it. Most likely, the small gear that engages the flywheel
teeth is not disengaging and retracting quick enough, causing the noise.
It could chew up the flywheel teeth ($$$$). I suggest you take out the
starter and check it out. The solenoid linkage and/or gear might be binding
and need lubrication or the return spring might have gotten weak. If its
the original starter, and has 219K miles, you might want to just replace
with a rebuilt one - the rest of it might be worn out as well.


Zafer Mehmood				   AT&T Bell Laboratories
zm@mhcnet.att.com			   Murray Hill, NJ