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Re: Front brake pads...

>When the pad gets weared enough to cut the contact between these
>two wires, the indicator on the dash panel lights up.

I *think* that that the way these actually work is that they *short to
ground* (the rotor) when the pad's used-up.  The two wires are there
because they're wired in series. I changed mine not too long ago, and a
week later the light was back on -- discouraging.  I found that I had not
routed one of the pad's wires correctly and it rubbed the insulation off
and grounded.  You might also think that if the rotor "cut the contact", it
itself would make that contact.

Brad Shurter - AOT Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
87545  (505)665-1122, E-mail: rshurter@lanl.gov, 73023.533@compuserve.com