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Re: Porsche Cost (was Trap. arm)

Hi Peter,

> > No knock on Peter, but his mechanic is smoking something that he ought to
> > get him to share with his friends <g>.  My latest Performance Products
> > catelog, Page 133, lists OEM Ball Joints & Tie Rods, as follows:

> This is not BS! Yesterday I was at the dealer and asked him again.
> The part he was referring to is the front ball joint for a 944, costing
> C$2,011.14. It might cost as little as C$1,800.00 for a different
> year. Sounds like a deal ;-)
> I am glad that you can have parts cheap for your 911. I wish I could
> have the same for the Audi!

Same Ref, Same page: 
944 Ball Joint         1983-85.5 BJ9250 $19.95 ea (much less than 911)
944 Outer tie rod end  1983-1986 TR9442 $32.95 ea 

Hmmmm, maybe this suggests getting another dealer, (or maybe a 944 <g>)...


Bart Chambers
'77 Feline Varmint Felix, Gray Tabby
'86 Carrera Cabriolet, Indischrot
'87 Syncro (Stealth Quattro)