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Re: Results & 2 questions :)

>Hi Mark...
>Glad you like the synthetics...Have some ideas about your questions... most
>of the quattro noises from the left rear that I've seen come from the
>traverse rod (kind of a tie rod looking thing that helps control the
>attitude of the rear wheel).  With the car jacked up in the rear and the
>wheels hanging free, a loose bushing will allow you to rock the top of the
>wheel in and out. They can make noise before there is any noticeable play.
>The engine oscillation is probably the oxs sensor, maybe because there is a
>vacuum leak & it's trying to correct the mixture?
>        just ideas..good luck..ned bennett
Oh yeah, the squeaky traverse rods, I was going nuts with the noise over
every bump. Very little play, just lots of noise.  It didn't look like too bad 
a job on my 200Q.  The part definitely wasn't cheap.

jim h 