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Re: Exhaust for 4000Q & Pulling the distributor

>Steve posts:
>>this seems VERY high to me. I figured it would be around $400, not $700.
>Welcome to the wonderful world of the 4000Q exhaust systems.  I've
>replaced mine every 3 years, and probably am due soon :-(.  The dealer
>price is about $700 (2 pieces @ $350/piece), but my mechanic seems to
>be able to get aftermarket exhausts for about $500.  Both last about 3
>years up here in upstate NY.  
>If anyone information about a more "cost-effective" exhaust system,
>I'd like to hear about it.

I replaced my exhaust for the first time last June.  Got 6 years and ~120K
miles from it here in Colorado.  I found a cat back system that is
completely identical to the factory system in every visible detail. I do
question the quality of the steel,l but it is too early to tell.  At any
rate the price was right at around $285 from an outfit in Wisconsin.  I
found their ad in a copy of the Quattro quarterly (Quattro Club Newsletter).
I'll look up their address and phone number for you later today.

>On another topic...
>I need to replace the vacuum advance on the distributor of my '84
>4000SQ, and it looks like I'm going to have to pull it to get access.
>Any net.wisdom on the procedure?  Do I just mark the position of the
>distributor body relative to the rotor and the head and pull away?  Is
>this a "shade-tree" job, or should I let my friendly local mechanic do
>it for me?
>John M.

Yes, note where the distributer housing is relative to the head, and where
the roter is relative to the housing, and you should be close enough for the
moter to start. If you have the #1cyl. at TDC w/valves closed (firing
position), the roter will be pointing at a mark on the distributer housing.

