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Re: Mailing Lists

In message <9411031857.AA08649@swamp.stpaul.gov.stpaul.gov>  writes:
> Eric T. Sylvain posted:
>   -Eric Sylvain
>    sylvain@ctron.com
> ---
> Some of this is indeed out of date.  Anything with "Dixie" in it is dead,
> I think.
> Here is what happeed to the two "dixies" Eric listed:
> Z-cars (Nissan/Datsun)
>     (Contact: z-car-request@dixie.com (John De Armond)
>     was shut down before 7-27-94)

Was this "THE" John De Armond, the articulate Libertarian and Radar expert?


Bart Chambers
'77 Feline Varmint Felix, Gray Tabby
'86 Carrera Cabriolet, Indischrot 
                       (aka, "Guards" Red; bka "arrest me and
                       throw me under the jail" Red)
'87 Syncro (Stealth Quattro)