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Quattro Roster Updates

Hi All,

Sorry to be so long between roster updates.  I plead guilty. 
The extenuating circumstance is that I've been awfully busy. 
Mea culpa.

TYhe current versions (from a while back) of the Quattro Roster
files are now on the quattro mail server and may be obtained by
sending the following commands to:


The commands are to be in the *TEXT* portion of the message.

	get quattro long_roster



	get quattro short_roster


	The "end" portion of the message prevents majordomo from trying
to execute the "commands" of your .sig file

The commands may be combined in a single request as:

	get quattro long_roster

	get quattro short_roster


The long_roster file is somewhat over 55K the short version is
about 5K in length.  This method of distribution is being used
to minimize the bandwidth required.  Those who want the
information will get it while those who don't won't.

If you have difficulties with majordomo, send me direct e-mail
and I will send you the files manually.  I may be a bit slow in
responding, but...

If you are not in the roster and wish to be included in the next
edition, send me your info (preferably in the format of the long
version of the roster) and I will see that it is included in the
next edition in a week or so.  Please use the approximate format
of the entries in the "long_roster" file.

It will take a little while for Dan to get the new versions in
place on the server after I send them to him, so give him some
time before you jump in with your requests for service.

Happy motoring,

Bob  __________________________________________________      ^_____^
    | Robert L. (Bob) Myers  <RMyers@WVNVMS.WVNET.EDU> |    /       \
    |__________________________________________________|   (  O _ O  )
            Love M'Audi - Love M'Bimmer.                    \  (_)  /
       Siberian Huskies are better than either!              |  U  |