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Volkswagen Audi CAR magazine

For those of you in the San Francisco Bay Area, the magazine
"Volkswagen Audi CAR" from Britain, mentioned on this list
several times, is now available at the Printer's Inc.,
bookstores.  I bought my copy (October 1994) from the Mountain View
store and it costs $4.95.  It is an excellent magazine and
is worth collecting for the VW/Audi enthusiast.


    ///  Ti Kan                vorsprung durch technik
   ///   AMB Research Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
  ///    ti@amb.org
 //////  ...!{decwrl,synopsys,tandem,tsoft,ultra}!sgiblab!bazooka!ti
///      ...!uunet!bazooka!ti