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User-programmable engine computers

I'm curious: how much demand do you all think that there would be for an
easy-to-program engine computer which was fully plug-compatabile with the
original engine computer?

Current after-market engine management systems are rather hard to program --
they typically require detailed knowledge about maps and such, and it is
typically rather difficult to make sweeping mods which are parameterized.
It is also all but impossible to add new sensors, or change existing sensor
strategies -- say, adding another knock sensor, or another air mass sensor,
or even adding a second injector per cylinder.  The engine management system

So, would you think there is a market, and if so, how big would it be, and
what sort of price point would you envision?  (I'm thinking Audi, VW, Porsche,
and perhaps BMW, at first.)

(Appologies in advance to anyone who objects to using this forum like this --
but I'm not a comercial venture (yet), and I think that this is a product
which several of you might be interested in.)

fhd@interport.net  | [M]athematics is not the study of intangible Platonic
1 212 559 5534     | worlds, but of tangible formal systems which have arisen
1 917 992 2248     | from real human activities.
1 718 746 7061     | 	--  Saunders MacLane