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Re: Factory service bulletins (Subscription)

In a previous message,Scott=John=Mockry%Mktg%TM@banyan.bv.tek.com writes:
>Here are some prices for the Micro-fiche repair manuals

If these came on aperture (sp?) cards, I could scan these babies too!  Don't
know what the copyright laws are on service bullitens, tho.  ;-)

 +---------------------| _   /| |---------------------+ Opinions expressed 
 |   Chris Ice, CMfgT  | \`o_O' | Allen-Bradley Co.   | are mine and don't
 |   CMIce@mke.AB.com  |   ( )  | 1201 S. Second St.  | reflect views of my
 |   (414) 382-2136    |    U   | Milwaukee, WI 53204 | employer.  So there!
 +---------------------|  Ack!  |---------------------+
  Amiga 2000/030@33MHz  --------  1988 Audi 90 Quattro