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To:            quattro@swiss.ans.net
Subject:       Re:  User-programmable engine computers

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----------------------  Original Message Follows  ----------------------

>I'm curious: how much demand do you all think that there would be for an
>easy-to-program engine computer which was fully plug-compatabile with the
>original engine computer?


Personally I love the idea, and would be quite happy to 
play with it all my free moments ...

Then reality sets in. My wife says " You want to spend $XXX.95
on WHAT ? Didn't you just spend $$$ on that car just recently ?
How much more are you going to spend on it ? What about all the
things around the house that need to be fixed/replaced/done
first. Why don't you work on those first ...".

Seriously, what you are considering is a fairly large undertaking.
To get an engine to run smoothly requires a MAJOR INVESTMENT
in time to get to where its sellable. Being in close proximity
to the big three, I hear stories about hundreds of engineers
with very sophisticated test equipment ( dynamometers, engine
test stands, test vehicles on test tracks etc ) and lost of
re-designs to get it right.

Real time controller programming requires a bit more knowlege
than the average "C" or basic hacker has. Staying synchronized
with all events/operations in the engine is very tricky.

I don't want to discourage you, just checking if you are
aware of the size of the undertaking and a realistic look
at how large the market really is.

Good luck

Alan Cordeiro