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Re: GoGo Juice

>>it said 91 Octane minimum.
>>I was at the time pumping in 87.  OK, how bad is it for the engine to be
>>running 87?  What benefit will 91 give me, besides what Audi tells me?
>>John Eickerman -- jke@halcyon.com
>There is always the confusion between RON ratings and the
>Rn+Rm/? type of rating, which I believe is known as the
>CLC ( cost of ? ) index. I forget which is which, but a rating
>of 91 on one is only a rating of 87 or 88 on the other.
>If you have not noticed any problems, don't worry. I started
>out using 91 octane in my 5000TQ, but have moved to 89 with
>no problems at all. 
>Alan Cordeiro
At higher elevations it is quite common to find lower octane fuels. e.g.
here in COlo about the highest I have found is 91. I generally use 85
becauce it is less expensive and I have never had an ill effect from it,
neither has my engine. Any one know why cars require less octane at
altitude? is it because there is proportionally less O2 or just less air in
general which effectivly lowers compression?  


bbell@csn.org (Bruce Bell)