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Re: Bently help

On Nov 16,  8:56am, Rob Reesor wrote:
> Subject: Bently help
> If anyone has a Bently that covers '81 Coupe sitting beside you, can you tell
> me if the manual covers replacing the side-view mirror glass. Not the hole
> mirror, but just the glass. I know it can be done, since Audi sells the glass
> separately, but in a quick scooping-out of the situation, I don't see how.
> Thanks,
> Rob
>-- End of excerpt from Rob Reesor

Sheesh! My English is abysmal! When I recieved my own email I was shocked!
Anyway, I was interested if any of you have a Bently manual sitting beside you,
not an '81 Coupe. Plus I'm missing a question mark in the first sentence. In
the second sentence, I meant to type "whole" not "hole", though in this case
the latter is fitting. In the final sentence, I'm saying that I don't know how
to replace the glass, not that I don't know how Audi sells the glass

-- Rob

| Rob Reesor            | Teknekron Software Systems    |
| reesor@tss.com        | 530 Lytton Ave., Ste 301      |
| 415/617-2217          | Palo Alto, CA  94301          |