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radar jam
I remember reading about a jamar in AUTOMOBILE magizine about 2 or 3 yrs ago.
does anyone else have a copy of this. In the article a man had made a jammer
that operated under the FCC legal limit but they(FCC) had not decided if it
was legal or not anyway. Also the authors of the article claimed that it
worked very well at reducing the detection range of police radar. I think
they used several types of cars and also radar guns but they said it did work.
They printed the mans name and address, I want to get in touch with him to
discuss how he did it (see if it is for real or not). I have talked to several
engineers that work for the DOD and they all seemed to think it would not be
possible but they also said that police radar is sort of old compared to what
they work with so anything might be possible. It seemed in the article that
the man was some sort of retired engineer and just did it to see if it could be
done. At the time I read it, the technical data they gave about all seemed to
be right. If anyone has the mag please e-mail me the info or better yet if
someone could arrange a open-house at Ft Meade that would even be better.