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Re: Electronic Warfare!
In message <9411172221.AA14572@maxwell.mml.mmc.com> writes:
> >>>>> "Steven" == Steven Buchholz <steveb@newkla.kla.com> writes:
> Steven> Steve Buchholz Vorsprung durch Technik!
> Steven> BTW - I got a request from Dave Dahl about the translation of
> Steven> the motto. I wasn't exactly sure, so I wanted to test it on
> Steven> the net. My understand- ing is that it means victory through
> Steven> technology. Is that correct?
> I would guess that it is closer to advancement or "moving foward"
> through or by technology.
Or, per my teeny '61 Langenscheidt's, "Projection (by or thur...
> It sounds better auf Deutsch, glaub' ich.
Mir auch!