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Re: Ridiculous parts cost again.

On Nov 18, 11:07am, Thomas Tornblom wrote:
> Subject: Ridiculous parts cost again.
> My '90 100tq has begun to squeak in the rear end. Checking out what
> the problem is revealed that the outer rubber bushing on the upper
> left arm is worn out. Checking with the dealer gives the normal "WHAT,
> I just want this part, not the whole factory" feeling.
> The Swedish dealer wants > SEK 1300 (USD ~180) for just the outer
> end. The inner end is > SEK 1400 (USD ~195). The whole arm can be had
> for > SEK 1600 (USD ~220).
> Does anyone know what a reasonable price for this is in the US, and
> are there any outlets that will ship by air to Sweden? Fax number most
> welcome!
> Isn't there some "Linda" at "Carlsen" that are reasonable? Phone and
> fax number?
> Thanks,
> Thomas
> Real life:      Thomas Tvrnblom           Email:
> Snail mail:     Communicator Nexus AB     Phone:  +46 18 171814
>                 Box 857                   Fax:    +46 18 696516
>                 S - 751 08 Uppsala, Sweden
>-- End of excerpt from Thomas Tornblom

Phone number for Linda@Carlsen is 415/856-6300 (California). I don't have a FAX
number. Tell her you're part of this list and you'll get a reasonable discount.

-- Rob

| Rob Reesor            | Teknekron Software Systems    |
| reesor@tss.com        | 530 Lytton Ave., Ste 301      |
| 415/617-2217          | Palo Alto, CA  94301          |