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re: Re: Germany trip ie. favorite beer


I did make it to the brewpub you recommended at Calwer ecke Strasse in 
Stuttgart, thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, I drank many pints 
(gallons?)  of that liquid refreshment and can't remember anything about 
what that dark syrupy liquid was called. I just kept saying "Dunkelweizen 
My head still hurts from that night.
Scott M.

u3109@calv1.cray.COM (Mike W. Young) Wrote:
| Alright, great reports, but enough of this car stuff.
| What was your favorite beer?
| They were making the best beer long before they made cars... 
| :-D
| Mike
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|         Michael W. Young                 Americas East 
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| email:  u3109@cray.com
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