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Re: Re: Radar detector/jammers (fwd) -Reply

I guess I started this particular thread ... I was being somewhat facetious 
in saying that I just take the tickets.  In California you are not really 
likely to be cited for driving @ 65 when the posted speed is 55 as long 
as you are driving safely (unless it is near the end of a short month!)  
My original point was that driving enthusiasts should strive to get the 
sham of a law repealed completely!  Many cities are using the fact that 
the law is not being stringently enforced to allow them a measure of 
revenue enhancement ... they aren't enforcing the law strictly enough to 
get people to comply, but just enough to provide an extra source of income 
for that pet project.  In CA in the days after Prop 13 the savvy politician 
has to find ways to support the budget!

Contact your elected representatives to find out what can be done about 
getting rid of the 55 sham!

Steve Buchholz
There is no such thing as a quota.